Ordrestyring.dk's API v1

Version 1 af API'en er markeret forældet.
Brug venligst version 2.

Ordrestyring's API is a REST API

Being an RESTful API, ordrestyring's API response to the four HTTP methods: GET, PUT, POST, or DELETE

Here is an example querying again tools:

  • GET /tools Retrieve a collection of tools
  • GET /tools/1 Retrieve a single tools with id 1
  • POST /tools create a new tool
  • PUT /tools/1 Update a tool with id information
  • DELETE /tools/1 Delete a single tools with id 1

The base url for ordrestyring.dk's API v1:


To access the API you need to request an API key from ordrestyring.dk

The API uses HTTP Basic authentication for all requests. You must pass the API key as a username. The password can be anything, it is not taken into account for authentication. Authentication is based on the API key only

To test if your api key is valid go to this url in your browser (firefox and chrome only)


If valid you will be granted with information about your identity and the ordrestyring.dk customer you are connected to.

The API supports any language/implementation that can communicate though HTTP.
Below is code examples written in PHP using the popular library cURL.
cURL has been adopted by many languages. Either as native code or as extensions.
There is good change you can find an implementation of cURL in the language of your choice and rewrite the PHP code examples to your language of choice.

Receiving data GET
Retrieving data can be tested in a webbrowser (firefox and chrome only), by going to the url for the resource you want to test:


A PHP function that can be used to retrieve data.

		function receiveData($url, $api_key)
			$curl = curl_init($url);
			curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC);
			curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $api_key . ":x"); //Your credentials goes here
			curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

			$curl_response = curl_exec($curl);

			return $curl_response;

Here we are executing the function and saving the result in a variable.

		$url = 'http://v1.api.ordrestyring.dk/gps';

		$api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY';

		$result = receiveData($url, $api_key);

Sending data POST PUT
The PHP function we use to send either a post or put requests.

		function sendData($url, $api_key, $type, array $data)
			$curl_type = null;

			switch( strtolower($type) )
				case 'post':
					$curl_type = CURLOPT_POST;
				case 'put':
					$curl_type = CURLOPT_PUT;
					throw new Exception('type does not exists - post and put supported');

			$curl = curl_init($url);
			curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC);
			curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $api_key . ":x");
			curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
			curl_setopt($curl, $curl_type, true);
			curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

			$curl_response = curl_exec($curl);

			return $curl_response;

Here we are executing the function and saving the result in a variable.

		$data = ['field' => 'some_data'];

		$url = 'http://v1.api.ordrestyring.dk/debtors';

		$api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY';

		$type = 'post'; // post or put

		$result = sendData($url, $api_key, $type, $data);

To sort a resource by a field, you use the sortby parameter with a field name

Ascending order
Sorting is by default in ascending order.
To be more implicit adding a plus sign in front of the field also works.

/debtors?sortby=field or /debtors?sortby=+field

Descending order
To sort by descending order add a minus sign in front of the field.


You can include a resource inside another resource if they are in a relation to each other, this resource will be nested in the resource you are retrieving

For example: The resource debtor-invoices are in relationship with debtor-invoice-lines


This query will return a result, where the invoice lines have been included within the invoice. See below:

    "id": 20,
    "invoice_text": "example example",
    "lines": [
        "id": "1",
        "example_column": "3743"
        "id": "2",
        "example_column": "8543"
        "id": "3",
        "example_column": "4543"

Under each resource section the possible includes for a resource is indicated.

Every query parameter, except the params used in sorting, pagination or include is interpreted as a filter

Filtering makes it possible to filter by columns in different ways.

The most simple way is to just specify a column name.


This will get you the debtors with the column customer_postalcode set to 2100.

You can also specify that you want more than one column.


This will get you the debtors with the column customer_postalcode set to either 1370 or 2100.

This table specify more advanced filtering, which works by adding a suffix to the column name.

Suffix Meaning
-min Greater than or equal to
-max Smaller than or equal to
-st Smaller than
-gt Greater than
-not Not equal to

This query will get debtors where the customer_number is greater or equal to 1000


All responses that are sent back to you are in the JSON format.

Response statuses

  • 200: The request was successful.
  • 201: The resource was successfully created.
  • 204: The request was successful, but we did not send any content back.
  • 400: The request failed due to an application error, such as a validation error.
  • 401: An API key was either not sent or invalid.
  • 403: The resource does not belong to the authenticated user and is forbidden.
  • 404: The resource was not found.
  • 500: A server error occurred.

You can expect all response statuses between 200-299 to be a succesfull call.

Primary key: customer_number

Property Description Notes Type
due_dates Relation: id in Payment terms int: 10
status Relation: id in Debtor Categories int: 10
id int: 10
customer_name string: 250
customer_attention string: 250
customer_roadname string: 250
customer_housenumber int: 10
customer_sal string: 50
customer_postalcode string: 50
customer_city string: 250
customer_telephone string: 50
customer_fax string: 50
customer_email string: 250
customer_type int: 10
customer_mobile string: 50
invoice_account int: 10
invoice_name string: 250
invoice_roadname string: 250
invoice_housenumber int: 10
invoice_sal string: 50
invoice_postalcode string: 50
invoice_city string: 250
invoice_telephone string: 50
invoice_fax string: 50
invoice_email string: 250
invoice_mobile string: 50
cvr string: 50
searchname string: 50
ean string: 50
trained string: 20
trainee string: 20
trained_over string: 50
trained_weekend string: 50
trainee_over string: 50
trainee_weekend string: 50
created int: 10
customer_remarks text
category string: 50
customer_number string: 50
financialaccount bigint: 19
exported int: 10
opp_account int: 10
invoice_attention text
letter_prefer_mail bit: 1
pbs int: 10
year_rek string: 50
avance_type int: 10
discount_group_id int: 10
hmn_customer_number int: 10
cc_email text
customer_location text
eco_handle text
updated_at int: 10
is_blocked bit: 1
credit_max bigint: 19
created_at int: 10
pdf_layout_id int: 10
billy_handle string: 255
internal_remark string: 4000
currency_id int: 10
fortnox_handle string: 256
fortnox_delivery_address_id int: 10
invoice_social_security_number string: 256
invoice_property_designation string: 256
invoice_residence_association_organisation_number string: 256
  • GET /debtors Retrieve a collection of debtors
  • GET /debtors/1 Retrieve a single debtor with id 1
  • POST /debtors Create a new debtor
  • PUT /debtors/1 Update a debtor
  • PUT /debtors/1/contacts Debtor's contacts

Primary key: invoice_number

Property Description Notes Type
type 1: Faktura, 2: Kreditnota, 3: Aconto int: 10
customer_number Relation: customer_number in Debtors string: 50
case_number Relation: case_number in cases
department Relation: nr in Department int: 10
id int: 10
case_id int: 10
invoice_name string: 250
invoice_address string: 250
invoice_housenumber int: 10
invoice_postalcode string: 250
invoice_floor string: 50
invoice_city string: 250
cust_name string: 250
cust_address string: 250
cust_housenumber int: 10
cust_floor string: 50
cust_postalcode string: 50
cust_city string: 250
del_name string: 250
del_address string: 250
del_housenumber int: 10
del_floor string: 50
del_city string: 250
del_postalcode string: 50
text text
date int: 10
payment_date int: 10
ref string: 250
rek string: 250
made_by int: 10
amount int: 10
vat int: 10
amount_vat bigint: 19
fi_number string: 50
billed_electronic bit: 1
electronic_date int: 10
header text
status int: 10
exported int: 10
voucher bigint: 19
del_att string: 250
cust_att string: 250
invoice_att string: 250
payed_date int: 10
payed_amount int: 10
invoice_number int: 10
is_subscription bit: 1
economic_handle bigint: 19
eco_handle text
updated_at int: 10
created_at int: 10
year_rek text
eco_failed int: 10
cust_cvr string: 100
pdf_layout_id int: 10
billy_handle string: 256
billy_booked_id string: 256
fortnox_handle string: 256
fortnox_booked_id string: 256
use_skattered bit: 1
line_price_is_with_vat bit: 1
currency_code string: 10
invoice_social_security_number string: 256
invoice_property_designation string: 256
invoice_residence_association_organisation_number string: 256
  • GET /debtor-invoices Retrieve a collection of debtor-invoices
  • GET /debtor-invoices/1 Retrieve a single debtor-invoice with id 1
  • PUT /debtor-invoices/1/pay Set payment on a debtor-invoice with id 1

    Requires: payed_date, payed_amount

  • GET /debtor-invoices/1.pdf Outputs the invoice in pdf format


Property Description Notes Type
new_cost_price costprice in øre int:10
new_list_price listprice in øre int:10
new_sales_price costprice in øre int:10
account Relation: nr in Account plan bigint:19
id bigint:19
case_id bigint:19
quantity decimal:18
ean string:250
product_number string:250
product_text text:
price string:50
supplier_discount int:10
avance string:50
supplier text:
punktafgift string:50
miljoafgift string:50
customer_discount int:10
fixed_price int:10
type int:10
invoice_id int:10
exported int:10
voucher bigint:19
new_created_by int:10
new_added_by string:50
new_added_time int:10
sort_order int:10
edi_invoice_number string:50
updated_at int:10
created_at int:10
klarpris int:10
eco_handle int:10
eco_number int:10
custom_added_at int:10
vat_percentage decimal:18
Property Description Notes Type
yourref string:250
requestor string:250
creation_date int:10
error_type bigint:19
description text:
main_technician int:10
status bigint:19
scanstatus int:10
made_by int:10
perform_time_from int:10
perform_time_to int:10
repeat int:10
repeat_value bigint:19
repeat_type int:10
repeat_timestamp bigint:19
offer_number int:10
additional_technicians text:
remarks text:
work_done text:
delivery_address int:10
contact text:
case_type int:10
est_hours string:50
est_materials string:50
est_cost_hours string:50
est_cost_materials string:50
department int:10
is_service bit:1
no_materials bit:1
budget_lock bit:1
budget_cost int:10
budget_sale bigint:19
reviewed_budget_cost int:10
reviewed_budget_sale int:10
budget_hour_cost int:10
budget_hour_sale int:10
reviewed_budget_hour_cost int:10
reviewed_budget_hour_sale int:10
case_number required, unique string:50
hmn int:10
sub_number int:10
upper_case int:10
upper_case_number int:10
hmn_report_number int:10
hmn_customer_number int:10
eco_handle text:
updated_at int:10
created_at int:10
asset_id int:10
service_id int:10
customer_id required, exists:cust_customer,id int:10
Property Description Notes Type
id int:10
name string:300
number int:10
eco_handle text:
updated_at int:10
created_at int:10
is_accessible bit:1

Primary key: ID

Property Description Notes Type
ID Needs to be supplied string: 50
Account Relation: nr in Account plan where vat_type is InputPurchase or PurchasedProductsAbroad bigint: 19
Name string: 255
Address string: 255
Postalcode string: 50
City string: 255
CVR string: 50
CreditorGroup bigint: 19
EdiCode string: 255
chosen_supplier text
eco_handle text
updated_at int: 10
created_at int: 10
TermOfPaymentHandle int: 10
DefaultPaymentTypeHandle string: 50
DefaultPaymentCreditorId string: 50
payment_terms_id int: 10
billy_handle string: 128
fortnox_handle string: 256
IsAccessible bit: 1
  • GET /creditors Retrieve a collection of creditors
  • GET /creditors/1 Retrieve a single creditor with id 1
  • POST /creditors Create a new creditor
  • PUT /creditors/1 Update a creditor with ID 1

Primary key: id

Property Description Notes Type
approved_status 1 = Approved, 2 = Afvist, NULL = Afventer behandling string: 50
case_number Relation: case_number in cases
account Relation: nr in Account plan where vat_type is InputPurchase or PurchasedProductsAbroad int: 10
id bigint: 19
type string: 50
number string: 50
date bigint: 19
buyer_name text
buyer_address text
buyer_postalcode string: 50
buyer_city text
buyer_id text
buyer_account text
del_name text
del_address text
del_postalcode string: 50
del_city text
suplier_name text
suplier_address text
suplier_postalcode string: 50
suplier_city text
suplier_cvr text
suplier_ean text
suplier_ordernumber text
order_date bigint: 19
buyer_contact text
buyer_ordernumber text
currency text
payment_date bigint: 19
payment_type string: 50
payment_typecode text
payment_part_1 text
payment_part_2 text
total bigint: 19
vat bigint: 19
total_vat bigint: 19
exported int: 10
voucher bigint: 19
appendix text
creditor_number string: 50
approval_comment string: 250
department int: 10
note text
xml text
marking text
responsible_id int: 10
updated_at int: 10
created_at int: 10
klarpris int: 10
case_id int: 10
approved_at int: 10
appendix_id int: 10
is_klarpriced bit: 1
klarpris_difference int: 10
billy_handle string: 128
billy_file_id string: 256
billy_file_url string: 2048
created_from string: 100
fortnox_file_url string: 2048
fortnox_file_id string: 256
fortnox_handle string: 256
balancing_account int: 10
  • GET /creditor-invoices Retrieve a collection of creditor-invoices
  • GET /creditor-invoices/{id} Retrieve a single creditor-invoice with number a specific id


Property Description Notes Type
id bigint:19
marking string:250
invoice_number string:50
supplier_name string:250
supplier_street string:250
supplier_housenumber string:250
supplier_cityname string:250
supplier_postalcode string:50
dato bigint:19
type string:50
note text:
product_number string:50
quantity string:50
unit string:50
description string:250
price bigint:19
currency string:50
supplier_discount decimal:18
Afgift float:15
LineAmount bigint:19
account string:50
creditor_invoice_id int:10
updated_at int:10
created_at int:10
fee int:10
klarpris int:10
extended_product_number string:200
standard_product_number string:200
Property Description Notes Type
tripID string: 50
StartAddress Textual start address string: 250
StopAddress Textual start address string: 250
Distance in meter string: 50
Driver Name of driver string: 50
RegNo Car registration number string: 50
StarDate Format: DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS string: 50
StopDate Format: DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS string: 50
id int: 10
Serial string: 50
Purpose text
comment text
StartLat string: 50
StartLong string: 50
StopLat string: 50
StopLong string: 50
updated_at int: 10
created_at int: 10
  • GET /gps Retrieves gps data
  • POST /gps Insert gps data
Property Description Notes Type
ean string: 250
description string: 250
price price in øre int: 10
costprice costprice in øre bigint: 19
account bigint: 19
elnr string: 50
quicknumber string: 50
internal_number string: 50
avance string: 50
shown bit: 1
id int: 10
updated_at int: 10
created_at int: 10
sort int: 10
is_accessible bit: 1
  • GET /internal-goods Retrieves internal goods
  • POST /internal-goods Insert an internal good

Primary key: id

Property Description Notes Type
month_ongoing løbende måned eller ej smallint: 5
id int: 10
short_text text
long_text text
days int: 10
economic_name string: 50
eco_handle text
updated_at int: 10
created_at int: 10
type text
fortnox_handle string: 256
  • GET /payment-terms Retrieve a collection of payment-terms
  • GET /payment-terms/1 Retrieve a single payment term with id 1
  • POST /payment-terms Create a new payment term
  • PUT /payment-terms/1 Update a payment term

Primary key: id

Property Description Notes Type
id int: 10
colorcode string: 50
text text
editable int: 10
icon text
icon_type char: 100
site string: 50
checked bit: 1
show_in_app bit: 1
show_in_app_status_change bit: 1
updated_at int: 10
created_at int: 10
eco_handle text
lock_materials bit: 1
lock_hours bit: 1
  • GET /debtor-categories Retrieve a collection of debtor-categories
  • GET /debtor-categories/1 Retrieve a single debtor-category with id 1
  • POST /debtor-categories Create a new debtor-category
  • DELETE /debtor-categories delete a debtor-category

Primary key: nr

Property Description Notes Type
type This field needs to have an value of either Heading, Status, ProfitAndLoss, TotalFrom, SumInterval string: 50
moms This field has to match the field vat_code in Vat types. string: 50
vattype This field needs to have an value of either OutputSales, InputPurchase, PurchasedProductsAbroad or to be empty string: 50
nr Needs to be supplied int: 10
name text
eco_handle text
updated_at int: 10
created_at int: 10
billy_handle string: 128
billy_taxrate_handle string: 128
fortnox_handle string: 256
  • GET /account-plan Retrieve a collection of account plan
  • GET /account-plan/1 Retrieve a single account plan with id 1
  • POST /account-plan Create a new account plan
  • PUT /account-plan/1 Update a account plan

Primary key: id

Property Description Notes Type
type This field needs to have an value of either OutputSales, InputPurchase, PurchasedProductsAbroad text
id int: 10
handle text
vat_code text
name text
rate_as_percent decimal: 18
account_handle int: 10
contra_account_handle int: 10
eco_handle text
updated_at int: 10
created_at int: 10
dinero_handle string: 256
billy_handle string: 256
fortnox_handle string: 256
  • GET /vat-types Retrieve a collection of vat types
  • GET /vat-types/1 Retrieve a single vat type with id 1
  • POST /vat-types Create a new vat type
  • PUT /vat-types/1 Update a vat type

Primary key: id

Property Description Notes Type
id int: 10
name string: 300
number int: 10
eco_handle text
updated_at int: 10
created_at int: 10
is_accessible bit: 1
  • GET /departments Retrieve a collection of departments
  • GET /departments/1 Retrieve a single departments with id 1
  • POST /departments Create a new departments
  • PUT /departments/1 Update a departments

Primary key: case_number

Property Description Notes Type
yourref string: 250
requestor string: 250
creation_date int: 10
error_type bigint: 19
description text
main_technician int: 10
status bigint: 19
scanstatus int: 10
made_by int: 10
perform_time_from int: 10
perform_time_to int: 10
repeat int: 10
repeat_value bigint: 19
repeat_type int: 10
repeat_timestamp bigint: 19
offer_number int: 10
additional_technicians text
remarks text
work_done text
delivery_address int: 10
contact text
case_type int: 10
est_hours string: 50
est_materials string: 50
est_cost_hours string: 50
est_cost_materials string: 50
department int: 10
is_service bit: 1
no_materials bit: 1
budget_lock bit: 1
budget_cost int: 10
budget_sale bigint: 19
reviewed_budget_cost int: 10
reviewed_budget_sale int: 10
budget_hour_cost int: 10
budget_hour_sale int: 10
reviewed_budget_hour_cost int: 10
reviewed_budget_hour_sale int: 10
case_number required, unique string: 50
hmn int: 10
sub_number int: 10
upper_case int: 10
upper_case_number int: 10
hmn_report_number int: 10
hmn_customer_number int: 10
eco_handle text
updated_at int: 10
created_at int: 10
asset_id int: 10
service_id int: 10
customer_id required, exists:cust_customer,id int: 10
  • GET /cases Retrieve a collection of cases
  • GET /cases/1 Retrieve a single case with id 1
  • GET /cases/1/employees Retrieve employees on case 1
  • POST /cases Create a new case
  • PUT /cases/1 Update a case with 1


Property Description Notes Type
cost_price costprice in øre :
list_price listprice in øre :
id bigint:19
case_id bigint:19
quantity decimal:18
ean string:250
product_number string:250
product_text text:
price string:50
supplier_discount bigint:19
avance string:50
supplier text:
punktafgift string:50
miljoafgift string:50
customer_discount int:10
fixed_price int:10
account bigint:19
new_cost_price int:10
new_list_price int:10
new_sales_price int:10
new_created_by int:10
new_added_by string:50
new_added_time int:10
edi_invoice_number text:
is_invoiced bit:1
updated_at int:10
created_at int:10
klarpris int:10
custom_added_at int:10
Property Description Notes Type
id int:10
date int:10
emp_id int:10
case_number bigint:19
work_hours float:15
work_over_hours float:15
weekend_hours float:15
weekend_over_hours float:15
absence float:15
description string:50
start_time int:10
stop_time int:10
link string:250
remark text:
group_id bigint:19
hour_type int:10
updated_at int:10
created_at int:10
costprice int:10
Property Description Notes Type
id int:10
text text:
editable int:10
icon text:
icon_type char:100
site string:50
checked bit:1
colorcode string:50
show_in_app bit:1
show_in_app_status_change bit:1
updated_at int:10
created_at int:10
eco_handle text:
lock_materials bit:1
lock_hours bit:1
Property Description Notes Type
id int:10
text text:
editable int:10
icon text:
icon_type char:100
site string:50
checked bit:1
colorcode string:50
show_in_app bit:1
show_in_app_status_change bit:1
updated_at int:10
created_at int:10
eco_handle text:
lock_materials bit:1
lock_hours bit:1

Primary key: id

Property Description Notes Type
id int: 10
text text
editable int: 10
icon text
icon_type char: 100
site string: 50
checked bit: 1
colorcode string: 50
show_in_app bit: 1
show_in_app_status_change bit: 1
updated_at int: 10
created_at int: 10
eco_handle text
lock_materials bit: 1
lock_hours bit: 1
  • GET /case-statuses Retrieve a collection of case statuses
  • GET /case-statuses/1 Retrieve a single case status with id 1

Primary key: id

Property Description Notes Type
id int: 10
text text
editable int: 10
icon text
icon_type char: 100
site string: 50
checked bit: 1
colorcode string: 50
show_in_app bit: 1
show_in_app_status_change bit: 1
updated_at int: 10
created_at int: 10
eco_handle text
lock_materials bit: 1
lock_hours bit: 1
  • GET /case-types Retrieve a collection of case types
  • GET /case-types/1 Retrieve a single case type with id 1

Primary key: id

Property Description Notes Type
id int: 10
status_from int: 10
status_to int: 10
changed_at int: 10
case_id int: 10
user_id int: 10
updated_at int: 10
created_at int: 10
affected_type string: 300
affected_id int: 10
  • GET /case-status-history Retrieve a collection of case status histories


Property Description Notes Type
id int:10
text text:
editable int:10
icon text:
icon_type char:100
site string:50
checked bit:1
colorcode string:50
show_in_app bit:1
show_in_app_status_change bit:1
updated_at int:10
created_at int:10
eco_handle text:
lock_materials bit:1
lock_hours bit:1
Property Description Notes Type
id int:10
text text:
editable int:10
icon text:
icon_type char:100
site string:50
checked bit:1
colorcode string:50
show_in_app bit:1
show_in_app_status_change bit:1
updated_at int:10
created_at int:10
eco_handle text:
lock_materials bit:1
lock_hours bit:1

Primary key: id

Property Description Notes Type
id bigint: 19
case_id bigint: 19
quantity numeric, required decimal: 18
ean string: 250
product_number string: 250
product_text text
price string: 50
supplier_discount bigint: 19
avance string: 50
supplier text
punktafgift string: 50
miljoafgift string: 50
customer_discount int: 10
fixed_price int: 10
account bigint: 19
new_cost_price integer int: 10
new_list_price integer int: 10
new_sales_price integer int: 10
new_created_by int: 10
new_added_by string: 50
new_added_time int: 10
edi_invoice_number text
is_invoiced bit: 1
updated_at int: 10
created_at int: 10
klarpris int: 10
custom_added_at int: 10
case_number required, exists:cases,case_number
  • GET /case-materials Retrieve a collection of case materials
  • GET /case-materials/1 Retrieve a single case materials with id 1
  • POST /case-materials Create a new case materials
  • PUT /case-materials/1 Update a case materials with ID 1

Primary key: id

Property Description Notes Type
file required
case_number required
id int: 10
case_id int: 10
description text
filetype string: 100
filename text
owner string: 50
filecontent text
date int: 10
updated_at int: 10
created_at int: 10
  • GET /case-documentation Retrieve a collection of case documentation
  • GET /case-documentation/1 Retrieve a single case documentation with id 1
  • GET /case-documentation/1/file Retrieves the file in case documentation with id 1
  • POST /case-documentation Create a new case documentation
  • PUT /case-documentation/1 Update a case documentation with id 1

Primary key: id

Property Description Notes Type
hour_type Relation: id in Employee types int: 10
id int: 10
date int: 10
emp_id int: 10
case_number bigint: 19
work_hours float: 15
work_over_hours float: 15
weekend_hours float: 15
weekend_over_hours float: 15
absence float: 15
description string: 50
start_time int: 10
stop_time int: 10
link string: 250
remark text
group_id bigint: 19
updated_at int: 10
created_at int: 10
costprice int: 10
  • GET hours Retrieve a collection of hours
  • GET hours/1 Retrieve a single hour with id 1
  • POST hours Create a new hour
  • PUT hours/1 Update a hour with id 1
  • DELETE hours/1 delete a hour

Primary key: id

Property Description Notes Type
id int: 10
title string: 50
internal_number string: 50
is_personal bit: 1
color string: 10
updated_at int: 10
created_at int: 10
  • GET /employee-types Retrieve a collection of employee types
  • GET /employee-types/1 Retrieve a single employee type with id 1
  • POST /employee-types Create a new employee type
  • PUT /employee-types/1 Update a employee type

To filter data use [start] and [stop] to limit results to a time period. [emp_id] to limit to a single employee. [type] to only get a certain types. Ex: type=personal,hours,planned or type=personal

  • GET calendar Retrieve a collection of calendar

To get only active users: users?status=999913

Primary key: id

Property Description Notes Type
init string: 50
last_name string: 50
work_number bigint: 19
tlf string: 20
address string: 250
town string: 250
postal string: 50
title string: 50
fuelcard string: 50
mobil_privat string: 50
car string: 50
salary bigint: 19
salary_additional bigint: 19
salary_over_time bigint: 19
salary_weekend bigint: 19
estimated_hours string: 50
house_number string: 50
category string: 50
first_name string: 50
id int: 10
status int: 10
email string: 50
department_id int: 10
employee_type_id int: 10
remark text
hourly_wage int: 10
social_expenses decimal: 10
norm_hours decimal: 10
holidays decimal: 10
date_of_employment int: 10
date_of_employment_stop int: 10
jumped_on_the_new_time_module bit: 1
updated_at int: 10
created_at int: 10
shop_token string: 50
desktop_remember_token string: 255
reset_password_token string: 255
  • GET /users Retrieve a collection of users
  • GET /users/1 Retrieve a single user with id 1